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Apr 11, 2023

How To Present Your Home When Selling

If you’re looking to sell a property, presentation is paramount. Here are some tips from the team at Peter Dunn Real Estate on how to stand out in the crowd and appeal to prospective buyers.   First Impressions count We are attracted to homes the same way we are attracted to people. The first thing we notice is the outside. Often prospective buyers will drive past a property before they contact a real estate agent, therefore it is important the property is clean, neat, and welcoming. Overflowing bins, an overgrown yard, and piles of shoes near the front door don’t get a good response – your home needs to look loved and cared for from the very beginning. Keep it clean Cleaning your house is a no-brainer. It’s a big mistake to assume buyers can look past a messy kitchen or sticky floor. While you may be accustomed with how your home looks, the first time the buyer sees it – is the memory that sticks. Remove pet hair and pet odours. If you’re unsure if your home has any funny odours, ask a friend to give you an honest opinion. The best smell when selling is fresh, clean air. Cleaning costs nothing – but is well worth the effort. De-clutter Stuff seems to accumulate the longer we live in one place. Use moving as a motivator to de-clutter your home and get rid of anything you don’t need. Box up anything you’re not ready to part with and put it in storage. Sell any larger or expensive items on Facebook Marketplace, ‘Buy, Swap & Sell’ pages, or hold a garage sale. Just be aware that scammers exist and therefore we suggest using good ol’ fashioned cash for these transactions. Not only will de-cluttering help get rid of any unwanted items, it opens up your home to create a more spacious feel. It’ll make your home feel like a loved and well-ordered place to live, exactly what buyers want! Investors included. Routine maintenance Has the number on your letterbox fallen off? Does the front gate get stuck? Does the shed door open and close properly, or is it in desperate need of some WD-40? These may sound like trivial details, but you can bet buyers will notice. While a complete renovation is unnecessary, it is worth taking care of the little things. Finishing touches Showcase your home with simple finishing touches. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic – think streak-free mirrors and clean windows, well-lit rooms, fresh flowers, or pot plants. Small details can add to the overall image of your home and make it a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers. If you are looking to sell and are after a more in-depth conversation regarding the presentation of your home, give us a call on (02) 6572 4000. You can also fill out the form below to receive our comprehensive guide to getting the highest price for your property.

Mar 30, 2023

Selecting An Agent

It goes without saying that it is very important to select a real estate agent who is not only competent, but also professional, reputable and ethical. Most people are aware of some of the bad industry practices from first-hand experience or from TV programs and Tik Toks that highlight dodgy agents and agencies. However, there are certainly agents who operate professionally and ethically. In looking for an agent that will work in your best interest, word of mouth recommendations are always a good way to start. If you don’t have a recommendation, you may consider reaching out to other vendors who have just sold with the agent you’re considering. Treat the appointment of the real estate agent like a job interview. They should be able to provide you with information of recent sales of houses similar to yours in your area and of other properties currently on the market (your competition). If you are interviewing more than one agent, you may be tempted to choose the agent who quotes you the highest selling price for your home. Although agents are obligated to substantiate their quoted price, they certainly are under no obligation to achieve the quoted price when selling it. Contrary to some peoples belief’s, agents do not control the market. Remember, if your selling price is too high, the right buyer for your home may buy something else and you’ll miss out on selling for the highest price, costing you time and money. Agents’ commissions are negotiable, so you can negotiate a fair commission. Most agents charge between 2% and 3.5% of the sale price. Although some agents will go a little lower and some as high as 4%. When negotiating commission be careful of what is and isn’t included. Some agents have one ‘all inclusive’ fee, while others have a fee plus an amount for advertising and other costs which are payable whether you sell or not. Be aware of catches. A low fee may not provide the incentive required for maximum effort to be put into the sale by the sales team. They are more likely to put the majority of their effort towards selling a property for a vendor who is paying them a higher commission. Don’t rush into signing up with an agent to sell your most valuable asset until you have done your checks and are totally comfortable that they are the right people for the job.